Wednesday, December 17, 2008

what i like most about myself!

what i like most about myself is that i be nice to ppl and they treat me like i wasnt nothing. i like that im a nice person and i like to help people when they need a hand. i hate to see ppl mad and cry. when someone need something i will try ma best to give. i always told ma self that its better to give then receive. because you will need something in the long run. i try ma best to keep the peace. i try to stay hapy and keep a smile on ma face. i will neva give up on anything and keep ma head up. i dnt let anything get to me. because nothing cnt bring me down or make me cry b/c im a strong young women even if im teared up inside.

1 comment:

TANKK said...

u r not only a strong young woeman u r also a strong young goddess and u should never b up set u just keep on being u and staying postive u will came out on top