Monday, December 1, 2008

bravest thing ever

the bravest thing i have ever done was when i was in grammer school i was shy to talk & do any thing in front of people because i was afraid that people was gto say about me so when we had to perform in our chrismas assembly, we had to dance to an old school and sing it. at first i was scared then once i got up there i got over my fear & i started to feel good about myself & i felt more comfortable when they was clapping & singing along with us & yelling out good things about us. we had to do it for a grade so i had to put my effort in it & show i cared out i was doing. i was proud of myself for doing that i stood up & did something i thought i couldnt do. i was happy. but at the end, i was laughing and had alot of courage in myself. i could not believe it.


Anonymous said...


chris brown_pink__2010 said...

that was good what u did because you would have to work with people and perform with others.